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Saving Lives
Through Xenotransplantation

An Unlimited Supply of Organs for Transplantation

Revivicor seeks to...

  • Alleviate Human Suffering
  • Heal Patients in Need
  • Restore Quality of Life

Revivicor's Vision

To provide organs from gene-edited pigs to overcome the critical shortage of human organs for transplant.

There is a major shortage of organs for heart and kidney transplant.

~600,000 patients in the US have end-stage renal disease
~600,000 patients in the US have end-stage cardiac disease
~105,000 people are waiting for transplants in the US
~25,000 kidney transplants each year in the US
~3,800 heart transplants each year in the US
~17 people die each day waiting for an organ

Data based on United Therapeutics internal market research, the Health Resources & Services Administration and UNOS.

Xenotransplantation is a key solution.
Pigs can provide a plentiful and accessible supply of transplantable organs.



Revivicor (successor to PPL Therapeutics) collaborated with the Roslin Institute to establish the world’s first cloned mammal

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Revivicor (successor of PPL Therapeutics) produced the world’s first cloned pigs

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Revivicor (successor to PPL Therapeutics) established the world’s first alpha-gal knockout pigs, the GalSafe™ lineage progenitors. The GalSafe™ line has one gene inactivated and this line is free of the epitope galactose alpha-1-3 galactose (alpha-gal)

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Revivicor formed as a spin-out from PPL Therapeutics


Revivicor acquired by United Therapeutics Corporation to create an unlimited supply of manufactured organs for transplantation


Revivicor received a first-of-its-kind approval from the FDA for use of the GalSafe™ pig as a source of food for human consumption, and as a source of human therapeutics

Health and Safety Data FDA News Release


Revivicor's UKidney™ from a pig was transplanted into the body of a recently deceased human maintained on artificial support UKidney™ is a development-stage product not approved for sale in any jurisdiction

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A UHeart™ from a Revivicor pig was used clinically and established a new record for longest surviving recipient of a xenotransplantation productUHeart™ is a development-stage product not approved for sale in any jurisdiction

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A UThymoKidney™ from a Revivicor pig was used in the longest-to-date documented case of a genetically-engineered pig kidney functioning in a human body. UThymoKidney™ is a development-stage product not approved for sale in any jurisdiction

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A UHeart™ from a Revivicor pig was used clinically in a second human recipient UHeart™ is a development-stage product not approved for sale in any jurisdiction

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The first detailed overview of the current state of the xenotransplantation industry is published in Physiological Reviews. The review collects the vast history of the technology used to generate genetically engineered pigs and the research conducted to date on the xenotransplantation of porcine hearts and kidneys.

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